plot(1,1,pch=-0x25D1L) plot(1,1,pch=-as.hexmode("25D1")) plot(1,1,pch=-0x25D1L)
all work equivalently.
TestUnicode <- function(start="25a0", end="25ff", ...) { nstart <- as.hexmode(start) nend <- as.hexmode(end) r <- nstart:nend s <- ceiling(sqrt(length(r))) par(pty="s") plot(c(-1,(s)), c(-1,(s)), type="n", xlab="", ylab="", xaxs="i", yaxs="i") grid(s+1, s+1, lty=1) for(i in seq(r)) { try(points(i%%s, i%/%s, pch=-1*r[i],...)) } } TestUnicode() TestUnicode(9500,9900) ## some cool spooky stuff in here!One thing to keep in mind is that you should test whatever symbols you decide to use carefully with whatever graphics path/display/printing solution you plan to use, as all platforms may not render all Unicode symbols properly. With a little more work I could change TestUnicode() to do proper indexing so that it would be easier to figure out which symbol was which. Watch for my next paper, in which I will use Unicode symbols 9748/x2614 ('UMBRELLA WITH RAIN DROPS'), 9749/x2615 ('HOT BEVERAGE'), 9763/x2623 ('BIOHAZARD SIGN'), and 9764/x2624 ('CADUCEUS') to represent my data ... Related links:
- Unicode symbol search
- Yu-Sung Su on plotting symbols
- Yihui Xe on using tikZ to embed TeX symbols in R graphics
PS This worked fine on my primary 'machine' (Ubuntu 10.04 under VMWare on MacOS X.6), but under MacOS X.6 most of the symbols were not resolved. The friend for whom I worked this out has also stated that it didn't work under his (unstated) Linux distribution ... feel free to post in comments below if this works on your particular machine/OS combination. There is a remote possibility that this could be done with Hershey fonts as well (see this page on the R wiki for further attempts at symbol plotting), but I don't know how thorough the correspondence is between the Hershey fonts and the Unicode symbol set ...
PPS I asked about this on StackOverflow and got a useful answer from Gavin Simpson, referencing some notes by Paul Murrell: use cairo_pdf. This should work on any Linux installation with the Pango libraries, I think. In principle it could work on MacOS (and/or Windows?) with Pango installed as well, but I haven't tried ...
Very cool, Now it's time to make star wars with it!
ReplyDeleteI can get the figure to render on Ubuntu but not when I send it to a pdf device. On MacOS 10.6.6, I get the following behavior: (1) failure without warnings when sent to x11 device, (2) failure with warnings when sent to pdf device, (3) very partial success when sent to a png device. The warnings I get were of the following form:
ReplyDeleteIn plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...) ... :
conversion failure on '┣' in 'mbcsToSbcs': dot substituted for
Are two of your three statements that work equivalently supposed to be identical, or did I miss something?
ReplyDeleteHere's a puzzle. It's possible to write print("\u2348") but paste0("\u", as.character(2348)) fails.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's possible with cat as per Duncan Murdoch: